house rules

c-type prints on archival paper

The photographs in House Rules present participatory acts and events that unfolded over a fixed period of time in a family home. All images adhere to the parameters that they must have been made in this home, during the five year period of occupation and must be representations of real-life occurrences.

The resulting series interrogates the experience of shared living in a family context. Events of work, learning, creativity and play form a collaborative lexicon here, with themes and actions recurring over time. Ownership of these events are left without demarcation; hinting at the question of whether the domestic can be considered an arena of co-making and performative co-action.

For its first public showing in Ireland in July 2022, House Rules is displayed in a suburban domestic setting which is in the process of becoming my family’s new home.

House Rules was kindly supported as part of the PhotoIreland Festival 2022 open programme. More at